4 things that will help you stay sane with the kids around in business

Having the kids unexpectedly home can send anyone into a spin, but how do you manage when you’re a business of one?

When I had my children I knew that I didn’t want to return to work. I wanted to be a Mom that would be there the first time they crawled, the first time they walked, said their first words and even the first time they used the loo!

Because of this conscious decision it made me very aware of how lucky I am to be able to have brought my boys up as a stay at home mom.
Now they are a little older and at school all day I work whilst they are at school and when they are home I change my hat to “Mom” hat again and the majority of the time is spent with them, with a few overlaps here and there.

So what happens when you are running a business and the majority of the UK goes onto shut down as it did last week?
A huge proportion of the Midlands was covered in snow and deep snow at that, which led to the schools being closed for 2 days. No biggy right?
Well for a lot of parents it was a biggy as it meant alternative childcare or days off work.
For me it was one of the reasons I chose to be self employed.
To be there and have the time off when the kids needed me.

So whilst I had orders to complete and work still to do, here’s how I kept my business running, stayed sane and still had some fun time off.

– Entertainment

Yep that’s really the name of the game, whatever the age of your children, all they need is entertainment.
I always have something ready to give them if necessary. Eg a new book, word search game, modelling clay. It’s new and therefor has the excitement factor and will generally hold the attention longer.
As mine are a little older, time on the computer also keeps them amused.
These are for the “must do today” jobs.
I make sure that the tasks that have to be done, get done whilst they have their focus elsewhere.

– Helping hand
Perhaps like me you run a business where you can ask your little ones to be employed for the day?
Helping with wrapping, packing or even the production of some items.
It may take a little bit longer than you normally would but you will definitely be further forward.
Once the major tasks have been done I know that all other work then is a bonus and if I can get help getting it done it’s even better.

– Team work
Try asking your helpers what they would do differently.
I’m always surprised when I ask my kids how they would do something and quite often it leads to new processes or new ideas, as they aren’t involved daily they see things through fresh eyes and also with that beautiful quality of not experiencing anything like it before.
A fab way to get new ideas rolling and still being able to work on your business.

– Acceptance
And finally accept that once the really important things are done, tomorrow is another day.
You have done all you possibly can on that day and for me, that’s why I’m home to be with them. So make the most of the extra time together and go have fun!
We certainly did and were lucky enough to experience some reall so fun.

So remember whilst being self employed can mean you aren’t doing what you want to in your business when schools out, you can still get things done and have fun doing it.

Dirk and boys in the snow, close to our home.

Snow fun



The irony of all this?

I’m sat on my bed poorly, having nursed a poorly boy on Monday and after last weeks 2 days off due to snow, today and yesterday were wiped out with me ill.

Luckily I’m prepared.

I also have a really great Horse (see last weeks blog).

So what do you do when kids have unexpected days off? Or how do you work in the holidays?

Do you have any tips you can share?

Pop them in the comments below, I’d love to know